top 25 US newspapers
- 1. USA Today
- 2. The Wall Street Journal
- 3. The New York Times
- 4. Los Angeles Times
- 5. The Washington Post
- 6. New York Daily News
- 7. Chicago Tribune
- 8. New York Post
- 9. Long Island Newsday
- 10. Houston Chronicle
- 11. San Francisco Chronicle
- 12. New York Newsday
- 13. Arizona Republic
- 14. Chicago Sun-Times
- 15. Boston Globe
- 16. Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- 17. New Jersey Star-Ledger
- 18. Minneapolis Star Tribune
- 19. Detroit Free Press
- 20. Philadelphia Inquirer
- 21. Cleveland Plain Dealer
- 22. St. Petersberg Times
- 23. Portland Oregonian
- 24. San Diego Union-Tribune
- 25. Denver Post